Ta da! And here we go!
About ME: Now what?
I’m Linda. I am married to the kindest man on the planet. We live in Vermont with our longhaired dachshund. I spent over four decades in a career in public education. Retirement can be a scary, big leap into NOW WHAT?! How do I go about navigating my life without a career identity? In my various roles as student, teacher, higher ed instructor, administrator, board member, and executive director of an educational organization, I was actively searching for the unique leverage points in each role and trying to experience a 360° view of education as well as myself as a professional. Now that I am “retired” I find myself in search of the same: What are the leverage points in this phase of my life as an older woman? How can I take a “full circle” view of a lifetime in a way that brings greater clarity and meaning? What can I learn from other women on this journey? What might I be able to teach them? I find myself now with the time to read, think, reflect, and connect differently during The Precious Days, closer and deeper. That is what I hope to capture in my blog posts here as I cannonball into each of The Precious Days.
About US: Well here we are, together at last!
Honestly, you have no idea how thrilled I am that you are here. Maybe you are here because you are one of my loyal friends who just knows how much I’d appreciate the support. Bless you. Maybe we follow each other on Instagram, and you are just curious. Maybe you are aware that I follow your blog. It’s likely your influence and modeling sent me in this direction. Grateful for you. Maybe you are a sexagenarian (isn’t that the best word?) or approaching or beyond. May you are already retired or are thinking about it and have struggled as a woman to find content related to making the retirement leap a meaningful journey into addressing new challenges, getting to know yourself in this new phase of life, and finding joy and new purpose. Maybe you are a woman of a certain age who longs to connect through relatable experiences, perspectives that both affirm and challenge, and endeavor to make meaning of it all as you move through your own precious days of noticing wondering, growing, and ENJOYING. Hello kindred spirit.
About OTHERS: Inspired!
I follow a few blogs and YouTube accounts that continue to inspire me. I am so grateful for their content. They are linked in the Resources section.